
This is my first game. It ain't much, but it's something. I based it off of the Atari game Joust.

How to play:

Player 1 (the blue character) is controlled with W, A, and D to move, and 1, 2, and 3 to use the abilities.

Player 2 (the pink character) is controlled with I, J, and L to move, and 8, 9, and 0 to use the abilities.

The goal is to collide with the other player, but you must be HIGHER than the other player in order to kill them. If you are LOWER than the other player, you die, losing a life.

Each player has 3 lives.

You can also collect coins that fall from the sky. You can spend these on abilities which are displayed for each player at the top of the screen. The first and third abilities cost 2 coins. The second ability costs 1 coin.

The settings button on the main menu does nothing. :)

That should be it. Enjoy!


Jahoost.exe 65 MB

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